Diéudonné Workshop
Diéudonné Workshop was established in Mirecourt in 1920 by Amedée Diéudonné. From 1920 to 1957, he trained approximately 20 apprentices. His workshop also employed several renowned luthiers including Eugène Maucotel.
CelloFrench Diéudonné Workshop c. 1930
Labeled “Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis / Faciebat Anno 1707”. This instrument is made by one of the leading French workshops of the mid 20th century. It possesses a fine, robust tone…
ViolaDiéudonné Workshop, Mirecourt c. 1950 (16 5/16″/ 41.4 cm)
Enjoy this well made French viola from one of the leading workshops of its era. This viola possesses a full bodied, well focused tone.