Christian Pabst

Pabst completed a three year apprenticeship in Markneukirchen, Germany, before he gained more hands-on experience in several bow, violin, and restoration workshops in 1993. After working in Bubenreuth, London, and Bristol, Pabst continued his studies in 1996 at the Zwickau University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau and earned a degree in design for violin making. During this time, he was greatly influenced by both Florian Leonhard and Pierre Chaubert. After completing his studies and earning a master’s degree, Pabst moved to Italy to continue his work with stringed instruments. He first worked in the workshop “CarlsonCacciatoriNeumann” in Cremona for two years, and later opened his own workshop in Cremona as well. During this time, he had the opportunity to work with Francesco Toto. After his five years in Italy, Pabst moved back to Germany to work in Aub for two years and moved again in 2007 to Würzburg. Soon after his last move, he opened up a workshop in 2010 and has been crafting instruments, incorporating both classical and modern themes. Pabst has shared his knowledge and skills by teaching a musical instrumentation course at “Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau”. He has also done so by teaching traditional methods of violin making at workshops at Rothenfels Castle.