Johann Albrecht, Bavaria 2007
The Johann Albrecht violin is an ideal choice for the player who has advanced beyond his or her current instrument or is ready to move from a 3/4 to a full size upgrade instrument. This violin is made in Germany by skilled craftsmen who share the various tasks involved in construction. It is carefully hand varnished with a soft-textured varnish of a medium-brown color. As direct importers of this instrument, we choose to do our own setting up and shop adjusting. This includes planing of the fingerboard, setting the correct height of the nut and width of string spacing, hand fitting of deluxe ebony pegs, and fitting the soundpost and French bridge. We install a Wittner tailpiece with four built-in string adjusters and string it with Dominant strings. The chinrest is a Guarneri model made of high quality ebony. The instrument alone is priced at $1995.00. We offer a fine German made Brazilwood bow for an additional $200.00 or an excellent German made Pernambuco bow for an additional $400.00. With the purchase of the violin and either bow, we include a Bobelock “Crescent” style or oblong case with velour lining at no additional cost. This violin or violin outfit is available for trial in your home. Please phone us at 1-800-886-3554 for details.