Viola Bows
Viola BowKurt Gerhard Penzel, silver & ebony
This bow bears the coat of arms with the initials “GP” in the form of a treble clef on the frog. The stick is octagonal and is branded “***K. GERHARD…
Viola BowHorst Schicker #14, silver & ebony
An excellent example of the fine workmanship and artistry of German bow making. This exceptional bow will enable the advancing player to reach new heights of technical accomplishment and musicianship.
Viola BowManoel Francisco **, silver & ebony
Viola BowFrancois Vincent*, Silver/Ebony
Viola BowLothar Seifert, Silver/Ebony #340
Viola BowR. Casara, silver & ebony
Viola BowV. Siqueira, silver & ebony
Viola BowManoel Francisco, silver & ebony
Viola BowAier Cardoso, Brazil, silver & ebony
Viola BowR. Zucolotto, Dodd style, silver/ebony
Viola BowG. Soares, silver & ebony
Viola BowManoel Francisco, silver & ebony